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The List

A few days after I made Jesus the Lord of my life I decided to compare my salvation security that I had before with the security I have today. I wanted to see why I was so convinced for all my life (except the last year) that I was going to go to Heaven when I died, and now how I can see so clearly that my religion was going to send me straight to Hell. To do this I made a list of things that I would have told someone how I knew I was saved or going to Heaven if they were to ask me at any point in my life from my profession of faith until October 9th. I was able to prove myself wrong with scripture. This is a really wise thing to do. (try it) I want to share with you my list and the scriptures. I ask that you take the time to read the scripture!!!

  • I believe in Jesus (birth, life, death and resurrection). James 2:19 says that the demons believe in one God and tremble. Even Satan himself believes in God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit and the demons or the Devil aren't going to go to Heaven.
  • I asked Him (Jesus) to come into my heart and be my Lord and Savior of my life. 2 Corinthians 5:17, Galatians 2:20, 1 John 3:6. These scriptures talk about the change that occurs when one actually receives Christ. They become new. They no longer live like the world. They no longer habitually sin. ( 1 John 3:6 says "No one who lives in Him keeps on sinning. No one who continues to sin has either seen Him or know Him)
  • I feel guilty when I sin or I have a conscience. Titus 1:15 makes reference to the defiled and unbelieving having a defiled conscience. That tells me that unbelievers have a conscience. They too can feel guilty over something they do that is wrong. God placed in every person a conscience. Con means "with" and science means "knowledge". When we stand before God no one will be able to say... Well I didn't know that was wrong. God gave them the "with-knowledge" molecule so they do know its wrong.
  • God hears my prayers and He doesn't hear the prayers of lost people. I'm almost embarrassed to put this one on here because it seems absolutely crazy to me now, but it was something that I used to think validated my salvation. I was actually taught this!! (I wish I could remember who did, I would love to talk to them about it.) Acts 10 is the story of Cornelius. A lost man who prays and an angel appears to tell him that God heard his prayer and for him to send men after Peter. Peter then shares the gospel and Cornelius and his entire family are saved. And when you really think about this.... I mean we are talking about GOD here. The God who knows everything! Every thought I have had, every thought I'm going to have. Thinking he cant hear certain prayers because they are coming from a lost person is just foolish. But I was a fool.

Well there you have it. I hope that each one of you will make your own list and just do some research and reading in God's word. You may be amazed at what you find.


Brittany said…
That's really interesting. And sounds awfully familiar! I need to take some time and try a list like that. I never thought about it like that before, because before I was TRULY saved, I never even told anyone why I thought I was going to heaven! I honestly can't think of one person I shared the gospel with or my testimony for that matter. You know what my excuse was? I'm painfully shy. Yep. And it's true, I'm HORRIBLY shy...funny thing is, now that I really AM saved, I manage to get past my fear to talk to people about Jesus and share with them what He did for me!

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